Published September 29, 2015
We, at SpringBoard Healthcare are in constant communication with the Cath and EP lab community. We are regular attendees at HRS. We speak to facilities about their needs. We speak directly to Cath and EP lab employees every day.
We listen to what motivates them to be permanent employees. We listen to what their goals are both short and long term. So many Cath and EP Nurses and Techs have viewed our Cath Lab Wage Survey. http://www.springboardhealthcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Cath-Lab-Wage-Survey-2015-final.pdf They express awe at the compensation of Travel Nurses and Techs. They express desire for better climates, more dynamic locations, and to build their resumes with travel.
We ask permanent employees what is preventing them from being in better climates, more dynamic locations and building their resume. When we dig deep, we find that in many instances, the answer is that fear is holding the potential traveler from making the initial jump into their first travel assignment.
The answer to fear is cutting the nerve and diving in.
One of our best examples that SpringBoard Healthcare can point to comes from a Traveler in the Bay Area that is on her second 13 week assignment. This Traveler decided to follow her dream of getting better training in EP. When the assignment became open in the Bay Area, she cut the fear nerve and jumped into the assignment wholeheartedly. She opted to do her own housing in the Bay Area to maximize all her compensation. While she was looking around for housing, she opted to stay in a “Tech House”. She had “young techie roommates” who showed her how to ride the Bart System and City Bus Lines in the Bay area. This traveler went on to find the housing she wanted at the price she wanted.
Our very bold and brave Traveler is now on her second 13 week assignment in the Bay Area. She is in the climate she wants, in a very dynamic location, involved in the modality she loves at the compensation she desires.
Our very bold and brave Traveler spends her free time at Oyster Cook Outs with new friends, Exploring China Town, Enjoying the beach, and Drinking Irish Coffee.
This Traveler denied fear entry into her life and as a result is enjoying the fruits of bravery.
We here at SpringBoard Healthcare are here to help people achieve their goals. Please call us when you are ready.