Policy Acknowledgement
Drug Consent Form
I have applied for employment with Springboard, (“Inc.”), and upon receiving an employment offer, I acknowledge that I will be required to undergo substance testing in accordance with this policy. I understand that I may be required to provide a list of prescription drugs taken before the test and may need to provide proof of prescriptions to the testing lab personnel and/or Medical Review Officer (MRO).
I understand that testing will be conducted by a third-party facility selected by Springboard and that such testing will be completed in accordance with applicable law and under procedures established by the laboratory to ensure my privacy while also protecting against tampering/alteration of the test results.
I acknowledge that if I refuse to submit to a drug test, my employment offer will be rescinded, and I will not be considered for future employment with Springboard. Refusal to drug test may be determined by Springboard and/or the testing laboratory. In addition, I further understand that I may be subject to further testing during the course of my employment with Springboard. I acknowledge that if I refuse to submit to a lawful request from Springboard to undertake a drug test after being hired, my employment with Springboard shall be terminated.
I understand that if my test results are positive, my employment offer will be rescinded, and I will not be considered for future employment with Springboard.
I understand that if any urine drug test results are dilute or dilute negative, I will be required to take a second urine drug test within 48 hours of Springboard’s receipt of the result. I understand that if the second urine drug test result is also dilute or dilute negative, I will be required to undergo blood drug testing. Blood drug testing must be completed within 24 hours of Springboard’s receipt of the result.
If Springboard has a reasonable suspicion that I have engaged in substance use or impairment in the workplace, I understand that I may be subject to substance testing.
In addition, I further understand that if I am injured or involved in an accident or injury in the workplace, I may be subject to substance testing where the circumstances suggest that alcohol or drugs may have played part in the accident or injury, in accordance with OSHA regulations.
I understand that all testing described in this policy acknowledgment form shall be carried out in accordance with applicable law. Should any information in this policy acknowledgment form conflict with any applicable federal, state, or local law, the applicable provision of law will take precedence. I acknowledge that only duly-authorized officers, employees, and agents of Springboard will have access to information furnished or obtained in connection with a substance test I take. I understand that such individuals will maintain and protect the confidentiality of such information to the greatest extent possible.
I hereby authorize any physician, laboratory, hospital or medical professional retained by Springboard for testing purposes to conduct such testing and to provide the results to Springboard. I release Springboard, any person affiliated with Springboard, and any such institution or person conducting the testing, from any and all liability which may arise by virtue of such testing and the results therefrom.
I agreed to hold harmless Springboard, its company physician, and any testing laboratory Springboard might use related to the substance testing outlined in this policy acknowledgment. This means that I will not sue or hold responsible such parties for any alleged harm to me that might result from such testing, including loss of employment or any other kind of adverse job action that might arise as a result of the substance test, even if Springboard or its selected laboratory representative makes an error in the administration or analysis of the test or the reporting of the results. I will further hold harmless Springboard, its company physician, and any testing laboratory Springboard might use for any alleged harm to me that might result from the release or use of information or documentation relating to the substance test, if the release or use of the information is within the scope of this policy acknowledgment. This policy acknowledgment has been explained to me in a language I understand, and I have been told that if I have any questions about any substance test or the policy acknowledgment, they will be answered.